
Shona Love in Canada: A Zimbabwean Mother's Story

At seven and nine, both my kids- Chidiwa and Batani speak fluent English and have a rich vocabulary that would rival that of any 16 year old. I am proud of their accomplishments, but prouder still that my kids can hold a conversation in my native dialect: Shona!

Tatale: Ghanaian Plantain Pancakes

Tatale; Ghanaian plantain pancakes


2 over ripe plantains

The Afrosporian - A Poem

The Afrosporian

Stereotypes deliver their own messages;

however, the Afrosporian is unyielding to their enveloping arms,

10 Pre-Arrival Tips for Would-be African Immigrants

When most African immigrants board a plane to the west, little preparation is done to ease their arrival into a new, drastically different society. They arrive with advanced academic degrees but often with so little work experience.

The Easy Way to Prepare Tasty Mandazis

Mandazi is a snack that is popular in Eastern Africa. The snack is easy to make and with the many alterations one can make to the basic recipe, everyone is sure to find this snack a delightful treat.


Unbelievably Refreshing Drink from Sierra Leone

This ginger drink -'ginger beer' or 'gingerade' as some may call it- is very easy to make yet it is refreshing and packed with some serious health benefits. Looking for something different and exciting this summer? Try your hands on this recipe and let us know what you think.  

What you need

4 large fresh ginger roots

Sukuma Wiki; Delicious Vegetable Sauce from Kenya

This recipe substitutes collard greens for kale which for the most part is easier to find in the produce aisle of any grocery store and more tomatoes have been added to give a more juicy spin to the dish.

This meal is widely consumed in Kenya and other east African countries and the name literally translates to "stretch the week." Sukuma wiki is packed with nutrients yet very affrodable and legend has it that when combined with Ugali (corn meal) you are good to go for hours and hours. 


Thinking of Immigrating?

Kodjoe had arrived in Canada, from Accra, Ghana, in December 2011. The flight from Accra, Ghana had taken off on a warm 25ºC blissful day. At the arrival terminal and without mittens, he struggled to keep his hands warm while his wife and two kids - with 5 suitcases in tow - struggled to keep it all together.

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